Praise & Worship
Let Us Exalt His Name Together
Praise Is The Song Of A Soul Set Free
Praise Is A Choice. It Does Not Depend on Feelings or Circumstances.
I Will Bless The Lord At All Times His Praise Shall
Continually Be In My Mouth. Psalms 34:1

At Lakeside our hope is that all who worship with us will encounter the love of God and the love of His people.
Jesus said, “ By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance,
The Old Rugged Cross...we still love and sing
the hymns of the church. ​
We have a wonderful blend of newer songs and choruses as well...but our overall musical style definitely
would be called traditional by most and that's ok with us.
We love the Lord
and long to give Him glory.
We welcome and desire the presence
of the Holy Spirit in our services
and exalt Jesus above all.
Speak to each other with psalms, hymns,
and spiritual songs, singing and making music
in your hearts to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19

Let Every Breath, All That I Am Never Cease To Worship Jesus!
Raise Your Hands,
Clap, Sing, Shout, Bow, Pray
any biblical expression of worship
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
Psalm 107:8
The Lord is great and has done great things. At Lakeside you are free to worship without shame or reservation.

Contact Us
Sunday Prayer
9:00 am
Sunday School
9:30 am
Sunday Service
10:30 am
Bible Study​
6:30 pm